The Weather in Hua HinSouth Thailand Weather forecastThe current weather of Hua Hin for today and tomorrowWeather forecasst for , and 2025 Hua Hin - Weather and Climate The climate in Thailand depends on the seasons. There are three climates: the hot season from the end of March to June, the rainy season from July to October and the cool season from November to February. Below you will find the average temperature and rainfall in climate statistics of Hua Hin. Climate statistics Hua Hin: Average temperature in Hua Hin
Average minimum temperature
Average maximum temperature
Average rainfall
The duration and intensity of each climaphase varies from region to region. In the hot season, from March to June, it is in the days and in the nights are extremely hot. Temperatures range between 28 and 38 degrees Celsius, with relative humidity around 70 percent. Sunny and cloudless days dominate in this climate. Occasional light breezes in the afternoon, which are especially enjoyed by people who make water sports, like sailors and kite surfers. In the rainy season between July and October temperatures are slightly lower, on average between 24 and 32 degrees Celsius. The relative humidity is 80-90%. However, if you are in Hua Hin at this time of the year, you will have sometimes heavy rainfall and sometimes some roads are flooded. In the cool season, from November to February, the temperature differences between day and night is huge, from about 32 degrees Celsius in the day time to 18 degrees Celsius in the night time. The relative humidity is at this time the lowest, between 60 and 70 percent. The tides are very intense, especially in November. Travel advice: The hot season from March to June can also be very extremely hot. This, of course, varies from year to year. But it is sometimes too hot for elderly travelers and also for people with a health problem. The same applies to the rainy season. It is a little cooler in the rainy season, but the high humidity exhausted the body. The ideal travel time is from December to February. The tourist peak season starts already in November and ends after Songkran in April. During this time period, also the most beautiful national and regional festivals and festivals take place. The months July and August are ideal for divers, because the sea does not have high waves and the water is very clear. If you want to enjoy far away from crowds, and if you not want to pay much money for accommodation, you should prefer the quieter months of April to June, as well as September and October. ↑ TOP ↑